
以下是我们4 - 5月真空烹饪论坛比赛的获胜者。每个人都有一份签了名的开始真空真空烧烤

英国医生Dave T“DaveyT”因其关于“最有帮助的帖子”的帖子而获得“最有帮助的帖子”奖英国的真空烹调法.到目前为止已有36个回复。

Ian Hoare "IaninFrance"经营着一家在法国的早餐住宿并获得了“最有帮助的回答”奖五花肉而且鹅肝酱响应。

我从2004年开始接触真空烹饪技术。我们设法在纳帕谷扬特维尔的法国洗衣店订了一张桌子,吃了一顿我以前或以后在任何地方吃过的最好的饭。其中一道菜被描述为真空烹饪。然而,当时我不知道的是,其中有3个是用这种方法烹饪的。时间快进到几年前,电视上出现了各种各样的烹饪比赛,在其中一场比赛中,我们看到一位厨师用低温烹饪鸡蛋,令巴黎米其林3级厨师Pierre Gagnaire惊叹不已。我们也看到许多其他的厨师使用真空低温技术得到了普遍的好评。时间又快进到2010年,我们和以前的客户在La Chouette民宿的Jan & Richard Rogers住了几个晚上,成为了朋友和同事。他给我们上了一道59岁时做的美味羊肉。C (138?F)持续9小时。这太难抗拒了,所以我开始研究如何在不倾家荡产的情况下进行实验。如果你对结果不满意,花几百英镑(或美元)也没什么意义。 My first two experiments were with this lamb dish, therefore, cooked in a large s/s casserole in my oven, set at 60?C (140?F). I thought they were excellent, if a little fiddly to do. However having my oven out of use for 9 hours didn't suit too well, so I was able to persuade a client to go to Lidl (a Europe wide discount store) and bring me their ?40 "electric jam maker and steriliser". This was a water bath containing nearly 30 litres (7.5 US gallons) with a simple built in thermostatically controlled heater and tap. At the same time I bought myself a simple thermostat for the same price, accurate to 1C? and rigged up the water bath to work through that. I cooked some beef brisket. Wonderful flavour, but too tender (make a note, Baldwin isn't always right). Then came duck confit. Really, really good, much cheaper and better than those I'd been buying. I then tried with chicken breasts and tried out finishing them in different ways. Suddenly I recognised what Thomas Keller had done at The French Laundry with his poularde Excellent again. In the meantime, I'd read that one of the earliest experiments with sous vide was in the great Bocuse's restaurant to cook Foie Gras. Gotta try that. Worked a treat, absolutely brilliant. And so, when I discovered this web site and forum, I saw what people had to say about using a PID controller with the same water bath as mine. So I ordered that and am awaiting it's arrival as I write. And finally, just a couple of days I ago, I tried yet another experiment. Chicken legs, brined for a couple of hours, then seasoned and cooked sous vide 8 hours at 70?C (158?F) These were finished by being briefly fried in a VERY hot frying pan with a little duck fat, making a bit of a sauce from the juices. Really delicious. And the latest experiment, rump steak, broccoli and carrots. We liked the steak, but didn't rave - needs more work in my opinion. Thought the vegetables were rather a waste of time and effort. What next? Pork, corned beef and gammon will do for starters.
来自华盛顿的“巡洋舰”博·辛斯基(Bo Schinski)是我们随机选出的获奖者之一。以下是他对自己的评价:
来自华盛顿州西雅图的Bert Vongpaisal“Bert”是我们的另一位随机获奖者。这是他的个人简历:

杰森logsdon头像 这篇文章是我写的杰森·洛格斯登.我是一个爱冒险的家庭厨师和专业博主,喜欢尝试新事物,尤其是在烹饪方面。我探索了所有的东西,从真空烹饪法和抽吸管到高压锅和喷灯;创造泡沫,凝胶和球体;制作桶陈酿鸡尾酒和酿造啤酒。我还写了10本关于现代主义烹饪和真空烹饪的烹饪书,我还运营着Amazin新万博·网页版gFoodMadeEasy.com网站。